Learn a language
while you
browse the web


Learn a language while you browse the web

Try it

Hover to translate back!
Fake Profile Image
Hallo! Ich spreche Deutsch. Nuenki begins with short, simple sentences.

As the difficulty increases, it translates more.

You can revert translations by hovering over them.

Turn aimless social media procrastination and daily web browsing into language learning.

How it works

Web Browser with Webpage Icon


The Nuenki browser extension finds sentences in the websites you visit.

Globe with a Cursor Icon


The sentences are scored by difficulty, and the ones near your knowledge level are automatically selected.

Translation Icon


The selected sentences are translated to your target language and displayed on the page.

The BBC (German; demonstrating dictionaries)
Nuenki works on millions of websites.
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Procrastinate Productively

Whatever you're doing, you'll always be learning.

Book Icon
I can enjoy my online time guilt free, knowing I'm also learning a new language
cemonds's profile picturecemondsDiscord logoLearning ChineseChinese flag
It keeps me in the routine of learning, even when I'm doing other things
cam's profile picturecamDiscord logoLearning GermanGerman flag
Lock with checkmark Icon

Always Private

Nuenki automatically detects sensitive websites and sentences. Your identity is never associated with your translations.

Accurate Translations

Nuenki uses a hybrid of DeepL, Llama 3.3, and Claude 3.5 to provide high-quality translations.

Checkmark (tick) Icon
Globe Icon

Language Support

Nuenki includes dictionaries, audio, Pinyin, and Furigana based on the language.